Image Copyright Marvel Entertainment, LLC, 2010
Director: Jon Favreau
Production Designer: Michael Riva
To late?? Ok, this time it's really been a while. I apologize to anyone that has been checking the blog every so often only to be sorely disappointed by my lackluster updating practices. I won't get into excuses, but will say that there is lots of work I did for the Iron Man 2 movie that I can finally show.
I came onto the film initially to work on buildings for the Stark Expo. There were many slated for what was then to be a retro-futuristic re-imagining of Howard Stark's expo '74. It was a rigorous learning experience working with Production Designer Michael Riva who was ever energetic, inventive, kind and demanding. I definitely had to kick it up a notch to satisfy a loaded pre-production schedule in which a wide range of ideas were on the table; all of which had to be visualized to be a more relevant part of the conversation. There was a prescribed menu of work dictated by the script, but every once in a while there was the fun "what if we did this?" I worked on a wide range of designs for the movie and of course there were some that never made it to the screen as a three hour run time is frowned upon. Some of the designs I was fortunate enough to work on were significant to the story, some were not and didn't make the cut. I enjoyed creating all of them regardless.